
Libpoker is a small library for Poker related Datastructures. It currently supports the following classes:

  • Card - Represents one of 52 Cards in a deck.
  • Hand - A tuple of cards representing a players hidden cards
  • Action - Actions Fold/Call/Check/Raise with amount
  • ActionSequence - A collection of Actions


  • decimal_for_cpp ( included as git submodule )
  • UnitTest++ for tests (expects headers and lib to be in /usr/{lib,include})

## Build

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd libpoker
$ make all
# build documentation (requires doxygen)
$ make doc
# build and run tests
$ cd test
$ make all run



#include <poker/card.hpp>
using namespace poker;
// create a card from String
Card ace_of_clubs("Ac");
// get the face value
ace_of_clubs.value(); // FaceType::Ace
// get the suit
ace_of_clubs.suit(); // SuitType::Club
// get internal representation
ace_of_clubs.card(); // 52
// card comparisons
Card a("3c");
Card b("Jc");
Card c("3c");
a != b;
a == c;
c != b;
a < b;
a <= c;


#include <poker/card.hpp>
#include <poker/hand.hpp>
using namespace poker;
// create a hand from String
Hand hand("AcJs");
// create a hand from 2 Cards
Card ace_of_clubs("Ac");
Card jack_of_spades("Js");
Hand hand(ace_of_clubs, jack_of_spades);
// get the highcard
hand.highcard(); // Ac
// get the lowcard
hand.lowcard(); // Js
// get short representation (suited/unsuited)
Hand hand("AsJs"); // AJs
Hand hand("AcJs"); // AJ
// Hand comparisons
Hand a("Kc7d");
Hand b("Ac2d");
Hand c("Ac6c");
a != b;
a == c;
c != b;
a < b;
a <= c;

Actions and Sequences

#include <poker/action_sequence.hpp>
using namespace poker;
using namespace PhaseType;
using namespace ActionType;
// create an empty sequence
ActionSequence seq;
// string representation (each phase is delimited by /)
seq.str(); // "///"
// add actions
// Call Preflop for 10 bigblinds in Bettinground 0
seq.append(Action(Call, bb(10)), Preflop, 0);
// Check Flop
seq.append(Action(Check, bb(10)), Flop, 0);
// Call Turn for 10 bigblinds
seq.append(Action(Call, bb(10)), Turn, 0);
// Raise River for 20 bigblinds
seq.append(Action(Raise, bb(20)), River, 0);
seq.str(); // "C/X/C/R"
// add action and create a new sequence instead of appending
ActionSequence assume_seq = seq.assume(Action(Raise, bb(20)), River, 0);
seq.str(); // "C/X/C/R"
assume_seq.str(); // "C/X/C/RR"
// subtract sequences from each other
ActionSequence subseq;
subseq.append(Action(Call, bb(10)), Preflop, 0);
subseq.append(Action(Check, bb(10)), Flop, 0);
subseq.str(); // "C/X//"
seq.subtract(subseq).str(); // "//C/R"